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Adaptions Genre Questions


I think that famous film directors would prefer to re-make famous films for the obvious reasons; they are scared that they might put in millions of pounds to a brand new film that people may or may not like. However, if they re-make an old film, that was very popular, and already has a fan base, the worry won’t be there, mostly because even if it’s bad, people will still buy tickets and see it at the cinema, to see if its anything like the original, or if better, so either way the producers win. For example, Tim Burtons “Alice in wonderland” That film grossed allot of money, because not only was it a previously famous film, but also Tim Burton is a very, very famous director, which means that widening audiences.

This also applies to directors that adapt comic books into films. I believe that any comic-book loving person would always love to see their favourite drawn character being brought to life in front of you. And im sure that the directors know this, so it’s almost certain that a large audience will want to see an adaptation of a comic-book. For example, the avengers. This film grossed millions.

Hybrid Genre Question


Hybrid film genre is when a film isn’t categorized to a certain genre, for example the film “the cabin in the woods” would be a horror/comedy, because even though the main plot is built around horror, there are comedic aspects that potentially change the whole genre of the film, even the smallest aspects of comedy could change the entire film genre, for example, the stoner character “Marty” held most of the comedic values, as well as the two scientists that also brought this horror to a horror-comedy.




This is just a draft:


Emily Bowles                                                         Blue                                                            20/05/14                                


Broadcast and non-broadcast audio


“Broadcast: TV is broadcast because it spreads out across the country so that anyone can watch what’s on TV like the news or sports, but the adverts can’t be skipped unless you have sky or virgin media. Broadcast Audio is radio because it is live music and just like on a TV it can’t rewind, fast forward and you can’t even skip the adverts just like on TV. It isn’t just Programs on TV that are live that are broadcast but any programme is like the Simpsons on channel 4 or friends on E4.

Non Broadcast: YouTube is non broadcast because any video could be played by someone and because it’s not broadcasting out like a TV or Radio no one will know that someone across the country is watching it, and you can skip to any part of the video I want example a theme to a TV show could be skipped which can’t happen on TV. Other websites on the internet that include videos like Blip TV, BBC I Player or ITV Catch up are non broadcast because they aren’t being transmitted across to people and just like YouTube any video could be watched and not be transmitted across to everyone.”


Broadcast audio is a traditional way of transmitting music and podcasts without using the internet. Such as over a car stereo, or a home radio, that is not connected to the radio and is getting signals, so such broadcast radio stations as BBC 1 or MAGIC, there are many good points to listening to broadcast audio, such as streaming it live, so that someone doesn’t have to wait a while for it to download, or for it to buffer as you would if someone was listening to non-broadcast audio.

Whereas non-broadcast audio is the exact opposite, which implies that this type of transmission methods are broadcasted over the internet or needs to be downloaded, through such websites as the Radio 1 website, or soundcloud, for example, this website;

However problems with this are such things as having to wait for a podcast to be downloaded, or buffering when listening to a radio show over the internet, and problems with broadcasting without the internet is that you can’t pause, or fast forward or rewind, as well as having to listen through the adverts and not being able to fast forward them.

Listening to broadcast audio can also be streamed through a mobile phone, for example, a person could be listening to a podcast over their home radio, and because someone doesn’t have a car, they will be on the bus, with no means of listening to music or podcasts, therefore having that same radio station be broadcasted live through their phone. Also, non-broadcasted stations such as in-store-radio also have their good points, for example within the store ASDA, they have their own station that plays non-stop music without adverts or need of buffering. Plying music from this means can make customers happy, listening to songs while they shop.


Why do famous film directors re-make old films?



sweeny todd

Famous directors would choose to re-make well-known films so that they could stay within their comfort area, for directors making a whole new film is one big gamble on whether or not the audiences will like and buy his finished product, so finding an old worn-out audience favourite and re-making it bigger and better, it’s more likely that old fans would buy it, knowing what the film is like and wanting to see if its better or worse, so without the film even being released yet, it would already have solid fans. The same would go for comic books, for example the Avengers grossed allot of money from the box office because of how popular the Marvell comic books were, which meant that fans from the comics would already want to see the film, no matter what. Which means that the director wouldn’t have to gamble money.

In film, how might the anti-hero differ from a typical hero?


moonrise kingdome

oliver tate


An anti-hero will be very different from a real hero, such as superman or batman, for example, within the film ‘Moonrise Kingdome’ the main anti-hero for that film, is Sam, no last name, nothing special about him. Other than he falls in love with a girl and they run away together, he protects her and looks after her. He is her hero, but because he is an orphan and rather strange allot of people ignore him and are mean to him. However in the end, everyone realises who he truly is, and applauds him for it. He is small and insignificant, although he is not any of these things to the girl he loves. Another anti-hero such as Oliver Tate, from the film Submarine, who is nobody in the beginning, and he is someone that falls for a girl, that doesn’t love him back, and his struggle through life with these emotions. He is too smart for his generation, and to naïve to do anything about it. He is a very strange boy and allot of people avoid him. No one knows how wonderful he is, until she brings it out of him.

12 Plot Points:

  1. Ordinary World

–          Harry Potter

  1. Call to adventure

–          Indiana Johns

  1. Refusal of the call

–          The hobbit

  1. Meeting with the mentor

–          Karate kid

  1. Crossing the threshold

–          Lord of the rings

  1. Tests allies and enemies

–          Kong fu panda

  1. Approach to inmost cave

–          Avengers

  1. The ordeal

–          The sorcerer’s apprentice

  1. The rewards

–          Percy Jackson

  1. The road back

–          Shrek

  1. The resurrection

 –          The matrix

  1. Return with the elixir

–          Harry Potter

Drama is a popular genre due to realistic characters and events; sometimes even real people or events. Many audiences feel they can relate to the various themes and emotions. Explain and describe what is meant by this


I agree that in most dram films, the characters are going through ‘real-life’ problems that a lot of people can relate to, whether it’s aimed at teenagers, and the stage of a young girl/boy going through changes, or liking someone of the same/opposite sex. And perhaps for an audience of an older generation, a young couple getting pregnant, getting married and going through serious problems. And these types of films tend to be very popular when it comes to the audience seeing themselves in the characters, I feel that the audience want to see a film such as this, to get some kind of answer, with people going through similar problems as characters in a film, maybe they want to know how they resolve this problem at the end, and how they can apply that to their real-life relationship and hopefully make it work. For example, the teenage film, ‘confessions of a teenage drama queen’ (as terrible as that film is) allot of teenagers enjoyed and related to what the main protagonist was going through.                                                                                                                                                              lindsy

What are the main qualities of a typical comedy protagonist?


Usually, a typical cliché protagonist within a comedy will be someone of a large appearance, someone that (with their large exteriors) people could laugh at, for example, within the film ‘Tommy Boy’ the main character is a very large, lovable person that fall’s over allot, has bad things happen to him and is very loud. This would be a very simple slap-stick comedic approach, however, never the less was it successful. Within the film, Tommy would be constantly getting into trouble because he is a very naïve and simple man, trusting people that shouldn’t be trusted however everything works In his favour in the end. And I believe that a lot of different audiences would have an instant connection and love for this character. A catch phrase that Tommy used through-out the film, was ‘aww nuts!’ which he said when he was hurt or something went wrong. This I find people tend to enjoy, another film, such as ‘Anchor man’ the main, comedy protagonist Ron Burgondy has a variety of different catch phrases that are completely absurd. However, they all tend to make the audience laugh, of all ages and categories.


What are the differences between the two main types of sci-fi film?


the DTwo main sci-fi film types, such as earthbound and futuristic are very different in many ways, for example, In a film such as ‘E.T’ the style of this film, is earthbound because even though E.T is an extra-terrestrial from outer space, the theme for the film is about his life when on Earth, and his struggle to get back to his home planet. This compared to a futuristic film, such as ‘Star Wars’ where the main set-up is in outer space, the difference is, that Star Wars, uses futuristic props and an in space set up, whereas the only part of the film ‘E.T’ that mentions anything about it being a sci-fi film is that E.T was an alien. These differences are very important when deciphering the what sci-fi film is earthbound and futuristic.

star wars         Futuristic                                                            et go home                   Earthbound


What do you think of the 5 different character roles in this genre? (Hero, sidekick, villain, henchmen and damsel in distress). Explain, with examples, any stereotypes.



I think that the five different character roles are very important to making a successful film, I feel this way because it seems that most audiences are now used to such character roles as the hero, the henchmen, the damsel in distress etc. And adding new types of character roles and stereotypes, such as a new role, which is also one of my favourites, ‘the stoner’ which would be the dumbest person in the group that is so high all the time they aren’t usually sure what’s going on. However in modern films, such as the cabin in the woods, the stoner is the person that figures things out. Which adds to the comedy. However, in something simple, as ‘scooby-doo’ I think we all know who the stoner is. ‘Shaggy Rogers’ being the part of the group that most of the time is completely useless, but is there to provide comedic effect. And for an action film, a lot of people enjoy having that in any film.hero    Hero’s are easy to spot in an action/sci-fi film such as superman.