Category Archives: Media Audiences and Products

Methods of employment within the media industry


Methods of obtaining employment within the creative media industry is most commonly known from word of mouth. The saying ‘It’s not what you know, it’s who you know’ which in some cases are very true for this industry. Personal attributes needed/wanted for this job sector would be an imaginative personality, as well as being somewhat of a leader, which would be true for such roles as producer or director. And the imaginative side would apply to animation artist and scriptwriters. Skills needed would most likely be somewhat talented within using film equipment and knowing how to use them, as well as a knowledge of audiences for someone writing a script and that would want to know who to aim the genre at. Training, such as university and college would apply, but not necessarily, after researching this job role it seems that the interviewer would look more closely at the personal attributes and skills, so in my opinion I would a portfolio would be important, which applies to the educational side of the media industry, however I feel that distinctions in creative media study’s wouldn’t hurt.

When researching job roles in the media, I found that when applying for such job roles as directing, someone would need many different skills and attributes to be taken seriously, such as being a leader, and being able to tell someone what to do and how to do it, and to get it done. Communication would be a big deal with this line of work. Getting into this job would be a difficult thing without the right connections, but working your way from the bottom to the top, for example becoming a runner for a few years and moving up and up and up. When researching this, I found a blog that a young man wrote, explaining how he started from the bottom and worked his way up to more responsibility:

–          “My experience in television has ranged from working as a news cameraman to director of an outside broadcast unit (including responsibility for hiring staff). During this time I have helped many people learn how to get themselves established in the television industry.”


Different Types of Writing


A script is a person’s creative and imaginative story that they have written themselves. Usually when one writes a script it is genuinely meant that they wish to turn that script into a movie or short film. Wanting to project their personal image of what they have written to real life or animation, whether it be a short film or a feature film. A script is similar to a book, however very different at the same time. For example, a script contains camera angles, dialog, transitions and any other media terminology used when describing a scene. When I was writing the script for my genre scene “Living with idiots” I used many different media terminology when I was trying to get the image in my head onto paper. For example, I used parenthetical, which is a way to explain the way a character says something, for example, If my character “Milly” said something, however I wanted the person reading the script to know how she said it, I would add parenthetical. A strength with writing scripts is that a person cannot be too descriptive with the set or what the character is wearing, and focuses on the dialogue and the plot. However, a weakness with this particular way of writing is that it is more technical than writing a book, because one would need to add fade in/out’s, transitions, scene headings, camera angles etc. Once I was finished with my genre script, there were many mistakes that I needed to develop, mostly grammar and spelling mistakes. Which have been rectified and fixed, although when it comes to the technical side of media, I’m rather confident.

A review, is the honest and personal opinion of the writer about any form of media or object, for example a review of a game controller, how the person feels about the game controller; the size, the buttons, the analogue stick, also reviews are most commonly on films, for example, I read a film review on “A Clockwork orange” on the website “rotten tomatoes” which is a website for people that wish to review films as a hobby rather than a profession. I have written many film reviews, as well as game console and gaming object reviews, for example, I wrote a film review on “Be Kind Rewind” for my media course. I also wrote an object review on the Xbox controller. One of the strengths for writing reviews is that there is no wrong or right answer, it is genuinely the writer’s personal opinion. Although, a weakness with writing a review for a film is that many people may not agree with your opinion, whether it is good or bad, disputes could be formed and problems could be made due to how strongly the writer feels about what he or she is reviewing. Developing a review is mostly on grammar, facts about the film and the structure. Even though what the person is writing about is personal and the only person that can work on their opinion is the person writing it. Although, when I was writing my film review of “A Clockwork orange” I developed on it, by the structure of the review, in which I was told to write in an order, like, perhaps 100 words on the plot and 100 words on your opinion.

A blog is usually a person either writing or recording themselves talking about a subject that they feel strongly about. For example, I wrote a blog about anti-hero’s in films. Where I wrote about how within a film, the hero doesn’t necessarily have to be the generic strong, handsome type that saves countless lives and lives a double life. But even just a person who has nothing special about him or her, but they make a difference anyway. One of the strengths of writing or recording a blog, is that a person can choose a subject or be given a subject that they feel passionate about, and can talk freely about. However, a weakness with this type of writing is that again someone may not agree with your opinion and try to argue that their opinion is dominant, another weakness is that sometimes when a person is writing about something that he or she feels passionate about, problems with verbalising or writing how they feel can become difficult, I personally have gone through this many times when writing about something I feel passionately about, for example, when I was recording my video blog about “A Clockwork Orange” writing the script for it came very difficult to me, because “A Clockwork Orange” has always been a favourite film of mine, and I feel very strongly about what the film means and how the film is meant to be portrayed to the audience, and many people don’t agree with me, and trying to find the words to explain a film as deep as this proves difficult. When developing a piece of work such as this a person must focus on their weaknesses, for example, when I was developing my “A Clockwork Orange” blog, I focussed on the parts that I could make better and the problems with it, such as editing the blog to make it more entertaining and smooth when being watched. Other ways of development that I used personally, is that when I was working on my written blog about anti-hero’s I focussed on facts about the films that anti-heroes appear in, such as directors, character names etc. This helped very much when looking for a higher grade.

3 Differences between Thriller and Horror:


One difference, is that horror films are usually very gory and bloody, wear as, thrillers are mostly less of this and more sociological and shocking, for an example, the film ‘the shinning’ is a thriller, because even though a small amount of blood is shed, it is not usually depicted as a gory film, and even though some would say that it should be classed as a ‘scary film’ my personal opinion is that it is not. Because, compared to a film, such as, the cabin in the woods, the plot are very different, in a way that a thriller film has a more intricate story-line, where a horror film, is trying to work around the jump-scares, and the plot has many holes.

Another difference, is that in horror films, it tends to be jumpy in a way that something comes out to scare the audience, and in thrillers, it’s mostly realistically horror that scares the audience, for example, within a thriller, a character that is a small child or teenager could be kidnapped, and this type of thing would scare, parents and an audience of that age group, because it could happen to anyone. An example of this, would be “taken”  and a film that is based around parts of the film that is meant to make the audience, shed their skin would be “mamma” in a way that even though the plot is there, and makes sense. It is still not as strong as “taken” would be when critiqued.

Lastly horror is based around something scary, such as ghosts or zombies, were a thriller is based around something more realistic such as a murderer or psychopath, and even though both types of characters are scary, one will always be more scary than the other, and for me, that would be a murder or psychopath, because two exist and the other two don’t (still to be proven) and for me, watching a film about a zombie apocalypse, yes it is scary, but watching a film based on a true story will always give you that extra chill, because the film is putting into their minds “this could happen to anyone” for example, “the devils knot” which is a thriller about three young boys being murdered, and three teenagers are the blame because they worship Satan, which is based on a true story, and to think that things like that (and worse) happen in everyday life, honestly scares me, and I’m sure other people too. Whereas a horror film, such as “insidious” that targets a normal family, which makes the audience wonder if again, this could happen to anyone, then turns it around back to the horror genre, and it turns out, that the scary ghosts and demons are targeting people with special powers.

What are the main conventions of the Western genre? Explain and describe at least three with relevant examples.


The most important convention in a western films, I think; is the amount of cowboys. I feel this would be a simple one, mostly because cowboys in Westerns is like socks and shoes. They go together. If there was a western film, for example ‘Lone Ranger’ that is about an American Indian and a cowboy. Both western aspects. Which is why, I feel, that Cowboys and Aliens was such a hit in the box office. Because the two genres mixing isn’t something that usually happens.

The second convention of a western genre, is the horses, mostly because most western films are set in the late 1800’s and cars were rarely used in those times, and it was cheaper to travel by horse, for example, the film ‘true grit’ almost every character in that film was riding a horse, or at least owned one. I think this aspect in western films is very important due to the fact that a cowboy, riding a horse is a famous way of connecting that to the western genre.

Lastly, guns, is a very important convention within western films, because of the classic ‘stand-off’ related to western films, and without weapons a western film wouldn’t have the action that the audience want. Nothing says western than a gun belt with matching spurs. Even children animations, based on a western genre have guns, for example, the film ‘Rango’ even though for children, the film could never have been a true ‘western’ if guns had not been used.

What are the main conventions of the Western genre? Explain and describe at least three with relevant examples


The most important convention in a western films, I think; is the amount of cowboys. I feel this would be a simple one, mostly because cowboys in Westerns is like socks and shoes. They go together. If there was a western film, for example ‘Lone Ranger’ that is about an American Indian and a cowboy. Both western aspects. Which is why, I feel, that Cowboys and Aliens was such a hit in the box office. Because the two genres mixing isn’t something that usually happens.

The second convention of a western genre, is the horses, mostly because most western films are set in the late 1800’s and cars were rarely used in those times, and it was cheaper to travel by horse, for example, the film ‘true grit’ almost every character in that film was riding a horse, or at least owned one. I think this aspect in western films is very important due to the fact that a cowboy, riding a horse is a famous way of connecting that to the western genre.

Lastly, guns, is a very important convention within western films, because of the classic ‘stand-off’ related to western films, and without weapons a western film wouldn’t have the action that the audience want. Nothing says western than a gun belt with matching spurs. Even children animations, based on a western genre have guns, for example, the film ‘Rango’ even though for children, the film could never have been a true ‘western’ if guns had not been used.


When comparing western film posters to other western genre film posters, I have noticed that they are all very similar, for example, the film poster for; “Robin Hood of Texas”

As you can see the style of the poster is very old fashioned, with simple colours and nothing too bright. Also the man is wearing a cowboy hat, holding a gun, and there is a man riding a horse behind him. These three images are widely connected to any western genre film.  

When compared to another western film poster, the differences where almost non-existent, for example, this film poster, “Gun smoke” that has obvious differences in the picture, but even the colour is similar. The man is wearing a cowboy hat and holding a gun.


Coming of Age Films


I feel like this is because of the generation gap. Teens and young adults would of course be more relatable to teens and young adults. When searching for more information on this subject, a quote from;

“Coming of age movie is a movie where the central plot revolves around a person suddenly facing a life changing experience, trial or tribulation. That person once was naive or childish or pre-pubescent is now suddenly older and wiser because of the experience. They see life and their place in the universe for the first time.”

So once reading this, I decided that coming-of-age films is about a big step from childhood to adulthood from a scary and traumatic experience, or even a happy experience, such as falling in love and being crushed. I believe that this would most likely come from ages 16-20, and although it may seem ageist, however, with films such as these it seems that the main characters are of young ages, so that their problems could somehow connect with problems of the audiences personal experience.

Cult Film


There is a difference between cult fans and hard-core fans. Mostly because when someone says ‘cult’ the immediate thought is something satanic or evil. And when researching cult films it seems that this type of audience does seem like they would give their life for a film, whereas hard-core film audiences just love that film so much to watch it as many times and as often as possible, memorizing the lines, naming all the characters. Whereas a cult film follower would know their chosen film better than they know themselves. For example, Stanley Kubrick’s ‘A clockwork orange’ was banned in America because many of its audience liked and even imitated the violent and sexually explicit content more than what was called ‘acceptable’ so in my opinion I would say that many of cult audiences are fans of ‘A Clockwork Orange’

Adaptions Genre Questions


I think that famous film directors would prefer to re-make famous films for the obvious reasons; they are scared that they might put in millions of pounds to a brand new film that people may or may not like. However, if they re-make an old film, that was very popular, and already has a fan base, the worry won’t be there, mostly because even if it’s bad, people will still buy tickets and see it at the cinema, to see if its anything like the original, or if better, so either way the producers win. For example, Tim Burtons “Alice in wonderland” That film grossed allot of money, because not only was it a previously famous film, but also Tim Burton is a very, very famous director, which means that widening audiences.

This also applies to directors that adapt comic books into films. I believe that any comic-book loving person would always love to see their favourite drawn character being brought to life in front of you. And im sure that the directors know this, so it’s almost certain that a large audience will want to see an adaptation of a comic-book. For example, the avengers. This film grossed millions.

Hybrid Genre Question


Hybrid film genre is when a film isn’t categorized to a certain genre, for example the film “the cabin in the woods” would be a horror/comedy, because even though the main plot is built around horror, there are comedic aspects that potentially change the whole genre of the film, even the smallest aspects of comedy could change the entire film genre, for example, the stoner character “Marty” held most of the comedic values, as well as the two scientists that also brought this horror to a horror-comedy.




Drama is a popular genre due to realistic characters and events; sometimes even real people or events. Many audiences feel they can relate to the various themes and emotions. Explain and describe what is meant by this


I agree that in most dram films, the characters are going through ‘real-life’ problems that a lot of people can relate to, whether it’s aimed at teenagers, and the stage of a young girl/boy going through changes, or liking someone of the same/opposite sex. And perhaps for an audience of an older generation, a young couple getting pregnant, getting married and going through serious problems. And these types of films tend to be very popular when it comes to the audience seeing themselves in the characters, I feel that the audience want to see a film such as this, to get some kind of answer, with people going through similar problems as characters in a film, maybe they want to know how they resolve this problem at the end, and how they can apply that to their real-life relationship and hopefully make it work. For example, the teenage film, ‘confessions of a teenage drama queen’ (as terrible as that film is) allot of teenagers enjoyed and related to what the main protagonist was going through.                                                                                                                                                              lindsy